Immigration update: Belgium | Lockdown exit strategy

Immigration update: Belgium | Beginning of lockdown exit strategy

Today, May 4th 2020, Belgium has entered the first phase of the COVID-19 exit strategy.

The following measures will be implemented, following strict guidelines and respecting social distancing:

  • B2B can start back up today, offices can open, although teleworking is still advised where possible, but no longer mandatory. Construction work can recommence and fabric stores can open.
  • Public transportation will return to the normal timetables with mandatory mouth masks for all passengers older than 12 years of age.
  • Sport activities are expanded to all sports within your vicinity.
  • Non-essential medical consults are allowed.

On May 11th B2C should reopen and on May 18th schools are allowed reopen to certain grades.

Town halls are slowly restarting more services this week, whereas Belgian Embassies and Consulates stay mostly closed, although this is decided on a country by country basis. Travel to and from Belgium remains restricted.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us:

Annika Tossyn
Team Leader Immigration Belgium

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