Immigration update: Portugal | Gradual processing of national visa applications

Visas: Gradual processing of national visa applications

As from June 16th, Consular Sections will start processing the following categories of National Visa:

a. Temporary stay visas (E6) to stays in the national territory for periods of more than three months, in exceptional and well-founded circumstances, namely for programs of study in a certified institution, student exchange, unpaid professional internship, volunteer work or pursuant to WTO obligations or those arising from conventions and international agreements to which Portugal is a state party ; and, residence visa (D4) for research, study, higher education students exchange, internships and volunteer work;

b. Visas for family reunification (D6);

c. Visas for temporary stay for scientific research purposes, academic teaching purposes, or highly qualified activity purposes, for less than a year (E4) or residence visa for Teaching purposes, highly qualified or cultural activity, or highly qualified subordinate activity (D3);

d. Temporary stay visa in the framework of transfer of nationals to state parties to the World Trade Organization (WTO), for service providing or professional training purposes (E2); and, residence visas for Independent work activity or migrant entrepreneur (Start-Up Visa) (D2);

e. Temporary stay visa for medical treatment purposes (E1) and (E7) Temporary stay visa to accompany a family member undergoing medical treatment, granted under bilateral agreements.

The suspension of the processing of Schengen visas applications will remain until 1 July 2020, except for situations permitted by Order 6251-A/2020.
Other categories of national visas are suspended until further notice.

Should you have any questions, please contact the following:

Luciana Zettel
Immigration Specialist
Santa Fe Relocation

To read more immigration updates, click here.

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