Immigration update: Portugal | New State of Emergency from November 9th
New State of Emergency from November 9th
Following the State of Emergency declared on 6 November 2020 by the President of the Republic, which comes into force at 00h00 of 9 November until November 23rd, the Council of Ministers has established that:
+ Civic duty to stay at home and circulation of people on the public road is prohibited between 23h00 and 05h00 on weekdays and from 13h00 on Saturdays and Sundays. This measure applies exclusively to the 121 municipalities with high-risk of transmission of COVID-19 and includes some exceptions:
– Travel for work purposes (tele working is mandatory at 121 municipalities listed) or equivalent, with the requirement of a declaration*. This declaration must be:
a) issued by the employing entity or equivalent,
b) issued by oneself, in case of self-employed workers, sole proprietors and members of a statutory body, or
c) a declaration of honour, in the case of workers from the agricultural, stock-farming, and fishing sectors;
– Travel for health purposes (to healthcare facilities or pharmacies);
– Travel for emergency sheltering of victims of domestic violence or human trafficking, as well as children and young people at risk;
– Travel to assist vulnerable people, people with disabilities, children, parents, elderly or dependent people;
– Travel to fulfil parental responsibilities;
– Travel to take hygienic walks and to walk pets;
– Travel to grocery stores and supermarkets or other establishments which sell food and hygiene products, for people and animals;
– Travel for veterinary emergencies;
– Travels necessary to press freedom;
– Travel for other reasons of force majeure;
– Return home from the travels allowed.
The following professionals do not require a declaration:
+ Health professionals and other workers from healthcare and social care institutions;
+ Officers from the national civil protection, security forces and services, military, militarized and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, and inspectors of the Authority for Economic and Food Safety;
+ The magistrates, officers of the social partners and political parties represented in the Portuguese parliament and people with a free pass issued under the legal terms;
+ The ministers of religion, through accreditation from the competent bodies of the respective church or religious community;
+ The staff of diplomatic, consular missions and international organizations located in Portugal, as long as related to the execution of official duties;
+ The possibility of taking body temperature measurements, through non-invasive means, when entering:
– Workplaces;
– Educational institutions;
– Means of transport;
– Commercial, cultural and sporting venues.
In the case of a refusal to the measurement of the body temperature or in case the body temperature is 38º C or higher, the access to the places previously mentioned can be prevented.
The measurement of the body temperature does not affect the right to personal data protection.
+ The possibility of demanding diagnostic tests for COVID-19 in the following situations:
– In health facilities;
– In residential structures;
– In educational facilities;
– At the entry and exit from national territory, by air or sea;
– In detention facilities;
– Other places determined by the DGS (National Health Authority).
+ The possibility to request healthcare resources, means, and facilities from the private and social sectors, after an attempt of agreement and through fair compensation.
+ The mobilization of human resources to reinforce the traceability capacity (e. g. carry out epidemiological surveys, trace contacts, monitor people under active surveillance), namely:
– Workers in prophylactic isolation;
– Workers that belong to risk groups;
– Teachers without teaching component;
– Armed Forces’ military personnel.
+ Commercial centres close at 10pm (with some exceptions such as drugstores, car rental centres, health clinics/medical offices, restaurants and take away)
+ Restaurants close at 10:30pm (limited to 6 peoples per table
+ Cultural locations close at 10:30pm
Should you have any questions, please contact the following for assistance:
Luciana Zettel
Immigration Specialist
Santa Fe Relocation
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