Immigration update: UK | Latest regulations and travel restrictions announcements

Latest regulations and travel restrictions announcements

Prime Minister announces new local Covid-19 Alert Levels

Tier 1- Medium

This is for areas where national restrictions continue to be in place. This means:

+ All businesses and venues can continue to operate, in a COVID-19 Secure manner, other than those that remain closed in law, such as nightclubs.
+ Certain businesses selling food or drink on their premises are required to close between 10pm and 5am.
+ Businesses and venues selling food for consumption off the premises can continue to do so after 10pm as long as this is through delivery service, click-and-collect or drive-thru.
+ Schools, universities and places of worship remain open
+ Weddings and funerals can go ahead with restrictions on the number of attendees
+ Organised indoor sport and exercise classes can continue to take place, provided the Rule of Six is followed
+ People must not meet in groups larger than 6, indoors or outdoors

Tier 2- High

This is for areas with a higher level of infections. This means the following additional measures are in place:

+ People must not meet with anybody outside their household or support bubble in any indoor setting, whether at home or in a public place
+ People must not meet in a group of more than 6 outside, including in a garden or other space
+ People should aim to reduce the number of journeys they make where possible. If they need to travel, they should walk or cycle where possible, or to plan ahead and avoid busy times and routes on public transport

Tier 3- Very High

This is for areas with a very high level of infections. The Government will set a baseline of measures for any area in this local alert level. Consultation with local authorities will determine additional measures.

The baseline means the below additional measures are in place:

+ Pubs and bars must close, and can only remain open where they operate as if they were a restaurant – which means serving substantial meals, like a main lunchtime or evening meal. They may only serve alcohol as part of such a meal
+Wedding receptions are not allowed
+ People must not meet with anybody outside their household or support bubble in any indoor or outdoor setting, whether at home or in a public space. The Rule of Six applies in open public spaces like parks and beaches
+ People should try to avoid travelling outside the ‘Very High’ area they are in, or entering a ‘Very High’ area, other than for things like work, education, accessing youth services, to meet caring responsibilities or if they are in transit.
+ People should avoid staying overnight in another part of the UK if they are resident in a ‘Very High’ area or avoid staying overnight in a ‘Very High’ area if they are resident elsewhere.

From 4am Sunday 18 October, people arriving in England from Italy will need to self-isolate.

+ Italy, San Marino and Vatican City State removed from the travel corridor list this week

+ Greek island of Crete added to list for England, having been assessed by the Joint Biosecurity Centre as posing a lower infection risk

+Travellers urged to check the latest advice from the FCDO before travelling and will be required to fill in a passenger locator form before returning home

The Immigration Health Surcharge ( I H S ) will increase from £400 a year to £624 a year on 27 October 2020.

Should you have any questions, please contact the following:

Koshi Blavo Barna
UK Head of Immigration

Santa Fe Relocation UK
Tel.: +44 0203 457 3595


To read more immigration updates, click here

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