Take part of Santa Fe Research | Impact of cross-border remote working

Calling all involved in the world of Global Mobility

We’re delighted to announce that our 2022 Global Mobility research series is underway. And we’d like you to take part!

This year, we’re doing things a little differently. As we emerge from the pandemic, our Global Mobility industry evolves and adapts to fresh challenges and opportunities. So, rather than produce one yearly report, we are conducting research into three critical topics that impact organisations, their people and the wider external stakeholders, such as government authorities, with an eye on organisations and their employee’s immigration and fiscal compliance obligations.

Cross-border remote working

Our first area for review is cross-border remote working which complements several research interviews we are conducting to uncover practical lessons. We welcome your contribution—your input will make the trends and insights we collect and share even more valuable.

The survey will only take you about 2-5 minutes to complete. Your details will be treated as confidential if you choose to share them. And thanks in advance for your attention and participation! Santa Fe Relocation—helping Global Mobility to make informed decisions.



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