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Our team is working hard to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible. Power and internet outages make communication difficult, but rest assured they are doing their best in these challenging circumstances. Because of this, please expect slower-than-usual responses from our Santa Fe team in Ukraine.




Over the weekend, the Polish border crossing ‘Bobrovniki’ had the lowest compliance rate for passing trucks. This resulted in the largest truck build-up on this route to Poland ever. Cars continued to queue at the border crossing for two days, and border crossing control services only permitted a quarter of all vehicles to enter their territory. On their way to EU countries, 50% more trucks passed through Lithuanian and Latvian checkpoints.

Furthermore, all personal belongings are classified as high-risk cargo at Russian border crossings. As a result, all cages containing personal items must be x-rayed, increasing the time it takes to clear Polish customs. 


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Our top priority is to keep our customers and employees safe while we provide services. So, contact your local Santa Fe Relocation representative or send an email to to discuss how we can assist you with any of your relocation needs.


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