Destination Services update: France energy efficiency of homes

Energy efficiency requirement of rental homes

There have been some recent changes to the requirements for the energy efficiency in homes for rental and sale properties in France and as there are further changes in the pipeline, we have prepared a short update with the most recent news and upcoming events to be aware of.

Firstly, let’s look at what energy efficiency means in general for properties in France.

An Energy Performance Certificate, or diagnostic de performance énergétique’ (DPE) is issued for every property, whether for sale or for rental in France. This certificate is a part of the EU’s energy policy and has been part of the French law since 2006. The DPE must be presented at the signing of the Compromis de Vente (the document which confirms that an offer has been made and accepted). To have a DPE is a mandatory requirement for all homes and it is ranked between A (Green) and G (Red), with G being the least energy efficient.

A property classed as A+ means an exceptionally high energy efficiency home, however this is very rare to see and it is not an official rating.

There have been continuous updates in regard to rules and regulations as to the energy efficiency of properties in France, so let’s look at some of these, including one that has come to effect very recently and might affect those who are looking to rent or buy a property from January 2023.

From July 2021 The DPE includes more than just basic information on the energy consumption, it is now based on property characteristics such as the insulation and type of heating the property uses, thus providing more accurate depiction of the energy efficiency.

From September 2022 it is mandatory to carry out a regular energy audit (audit énergétique réglementaire) at the seller’s or landlord’s cost on all properties that are classified F or G.

From January 2023 it is no longer possible to rent a home in France with an energy consumption of over 450 kw / m2

From January 2025 properties with the lowest rating – G, will not be allowed on the rental market.

From January 2028 properties with an F-rating will no longer be allowed to be rented.

If you are taking out a new tenancy in France, any DPE carried out between 1 January 2013 and 31 December 2017 has lost its validity as of 31 December 2022, however any DPE that was carried out between 1 January 2018 and 30 June 2021 will remain valid until 31 December 2024.

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