Tech update — Empowering Seamless Global Mobility with API 4.1 — Our enhanced solution.

In the ever-evolving Global Mobility landscape, we have set a new standard for seamless and efficient relocation services. We are thrilled to announce the release of our highly anticipated API 4.1, a significant upgrade that promises to revolutionise how we connect and collaborate with our clients. Our commitment to delivering exceptional relocation experiences remains unwavering, and this advancement underscores our dedication to our clients’ success.

Strengthening connections with Equus

For over three years, Team Santa Fe and the Equus Ecosystem have nurtured a powerful partnership devoted to connecting clients with exceptional relocation services. As global leaders, we actively manage and deliver relocation services worldwide, with a firm dedication to ensuring our client’s success and providing seamless experiences for their assignees.

API 4.1 is a game-changer!

Our API 4.1 comes with a myriad of enhancements that elevate the relocation experience for both our existing and potential clients:

  1. Supporting repatriations: Our API allows clients to activate information regarding home and host locations when initiating a repatriation order, streamlining the process for a smoother transition.
  2. Automated service orders: Clients can request additional services automatically through the API, eliminating the need for separate service orders. This enhancement enhances the competitiveness of our services.
  3. Milestone updates: We have aligned our milestone updates with Ecosystem best practices, enabling us to provide even more valuable data to our clients, further enhancing transparency and communication.

Unleashing the benefits for our clients

Existing clients, already connected to the Equus Ecosystem, will immediately enjoy the benefits of these enhancements. As for those contemplating a partnership with us, the API 4.1 upgrade underscores our commitment to innovation and dedication to delivering an unmatched relocation experience.

Your gateway to efficiency and data integrity

Our Global Mobility API, meticulously crafted with our clients at the forefront, provides a multitude of advantages that distinguish it as one of the industry’s most advanced and secure solutions:

  1. Effortless job initiations: We can initiate mobility jobs directly from our internal platform, reducing effort and training requirements.
  2. Standard interface: We can exchange information through our standard interface or leverage our application-specific adapter to meet our unique business data needs.
  3. Real-time synchronisation: We enjoy near real-time synchronisation of mobility job initiations and status updates, ensuring we’re always up to date.
  4. Enhanced security: Our API features highly secure HTTPS encryption, limited access to authorised IP addresses, and two-step authentication, safeguarding our data.
  5. GDPR compliance: Say goodbye to the risks associated with email correspondence—our API ensures GDPR compliance and data security.
  6. Document synchronisation: We increase document security when sharing information with our document synchronisation feature.

Join us on this exciting journey!

We are excited about the future, and our API 4.1 represents a significant step forward in our purpose—to help people work, live, and thrive in new places around the world. We look forward to continuing our journey with you, making relocation smoother, more efficient and more successful than ever. Stay tuned for more updates, as we have exciting plans on the horizon to enhance our API capabilities further.

Contact us today to learn how we can simplify our Global Mobility journey with our API 4.1.

Tracy Hunt
Group Implementation Manager

Tobias Nothdurft
Group Director of IT Strategy and Enterprise Architecture

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