UN Global Compact

Santa Fe Relocation has signed the UN Global Compact and we publish our annual progress report in accordance with the ten UN sustainability principles and corporate citizenship.

We are encouraged that customers, staff and other stakeholders are showing a keen interest in the sustainability efforts of the group. After many years of investment and embedding sustainability into the company culture, we are well placed to meet and exceed customer expectations on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Governance structure
CSR is an integral part of daily business operations and decision making at the Santa Fe Relocation. The governance structure is led by a sustainability team who align sustainability objectives, implement programmes and sharing best practices. The Santa Fe management structure ensures that we are directed and controlled in a responsible manner, to ensure long-term sustainability and transparency. We report our performance annually in terms of social responsibility and the environmental aspects of our business.

Ethics and behaviour
Binding guidelines with the aim of ensuring that all employees perform their duties in accordance with Santa Fe Relocation’s business ethics.

Assume responsibility for reducing the environmental footprint.

Supplier standards
Ethical standards that suppliers must follow. The Santa Fe Group will ensure that these standards are, at a minimum, in compliance with the UN Global Compact.

Health and Safety
Ensure a healthy working environment for all employees

Maintain a zero-tolerance approach to anti-corruption in all its forms.

Communication on Progress 2021 report: Window for change
Please see our latest Communication on Progress Report (published March 2022) for further information on the UN Global Compact and Santa Fe’s engagement.

Download the latest report


Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DE&I)

Santa Fe Relocation has a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination. It is committed to providing equal opportunities to all current and prospective employees regardless of age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, gender identity, or marriage and civil partnership.

Relocation for everyone

We understand the challenges the LGBTQ+ community faces when relocating to a new country, not only as an individual but also as a family with relocating spouses and children. As a result, our entire company has been trained on how to provide LGBTQ+ friendly relocation experiences.

We have created a suite of diversity guides for our most popular destinations, which include information about unconscious bias, workplace diversity, LGTBQ+ in the location, and other D&I-related topics. We make these resources available to every family who relocates with us.


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