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The possible impact of No-Deal Brexit on Pet Relocation

What could happen after the 29th March 2019 if the UK leaves without a deal?

According to the Government Department for Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), it is recommended that pet owners start the relocation process from the UK to the EU at least four months before travelling.

Under the current  EU PET Travel Scheme, pets must have a valid passport recording a microchip and rabies vaccination. This can take 21 days if starting from scratch. There is discussion between the UK Government and the EU about a “listed third country” which would allow the EU to apply the Pet travel scheme to the UK. Nevertheless, if the UK drops to “non-listed” status then all pets moving to the EU will be required to register a microchip and perform rabies vaccination resulting into a 4 month waiting time before your pet is consider to enter the EU.

The EU Pet Passport will still be valid for travelling despite a no-deal Brexit. Therefore, pet owners who are planning to move from the UK to the EU after the 29th March 2019 are suggested to go to a vet, have a rabies vaccination completed, perform a blood test at least 30 days after the rabies vaccination, have the microchip in place and everything recorded on the EU Pet Passport.

© 2019, Global Pet Relocation


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