The 14th of June is World Blood Donor Day – Working for safe blood
And we are celebrating by encouraging all our employees, customers and followers to book their blood donation today, whether you’re a seasoned pro or it’s your first time.
To get you in the mood for giving, here are some top reasons to spend an hour saving a life today.
You could have a rare, lifesaving blood type
Certain blood types are very rare which makes donation especially important. We all have a blood type, and we require a match when receiving donations. Some types are especially rare, such as Rhesus negative blood groups which are almost entirely confined to the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. If you don’t know your blood type, giving blood is a great way to find out!
There is a constant need for donations
No matter where you are, there is an almost constant need for donations. There are a lot of reasons why someone might need a transfusion: from an emergency resulting from an accident, during child birth, or as part of a regular treatment for someone who has cancer. In low-income countries, 52% of all donations are used to treat and save the lives of children under 5. The need is high and there is always a deficit, so your donation is always greatly received.
It’s so easy to book and donate
In the UK you can book a donation online or via the app in less than 5 minutes. There are always multiple locations near you to choose from, with a choice of dates and times to make donation convenient. The donation itself only takes about an hour: including your health consultation, the donation itself takes under 10 minutes, and a lengthy tea and biscuit break afterwards.
0 Negative blood is universally accepted
Amazingly, O-Negative blood can be used to save almost anyone. It is a universally accepted blood type which can be used in emergencies when the medical services don’t have access to the patients’ medical history. It can also be used when there isn’t a blood match donation available. This makes O Negative donations incredibly important.
Companies can get involved too
To make blood donation even easier, companies can support their local blood bank by giving employees paid time off and flexibility to go and donate. Larger companies can even book company blood drives, where the Blood Donation Service will set up a donation clinic on site, to make donations simple.
Each donation saves multiple lives
Every single donation can be used to save multiple lives, so one hour of your life could literally save several others. It’s a simple and rewarding thing you can do in your spare time and an amazing gift to those in need. There are over 117 million donations made every year across the globe – join the millions of others saving lives.
Priority donors urgently needed
There are priority donors, and categories of donors who are urgently required. If you are black, a male donor, or have O Negative blood, your donations are highly sought after. In fact there is currently an urgent appeal for 5200 new black blood donors needed in the UK to meet needs and save lives.
It’s vitally important to know your blood type, especially if you are moving abroad. If you’re moving abroad, our experts can help you with information about the medical provisions and services in your new home.