How to guarantee and measure ROI in Global Mobility?

How to guarantee and measure ROI in Global Mobility?

Global mobility can be viewed of as being an ‘expensive’ investment that companies make. Benchmarks of an individual costing two or three times their base salary as an assignee continue to be used. When making an investment of this scale, it is important for companies to look at the return they are expecting on that investment.

The first step to calculating that return on investment is to measure the investment. Santa Fe’s 2019 Global Mobility Survey identifies that fewer than half of the Global Mobility professionals surveyed are measuring the costs of their mobility programme. In addition, where cost estimates are being prepared, only one-third of companies are comparing those to the actual costs to see if these costs are accurate.

Measuring the return is even more complex. Some companies measure the performance management or talent management ratings for their assignees. However, a minority of companies actually do this, and the correlation between the assignment and the performance is often unclear.

Santa Fe’s Assignment Management services can help companies with assessing the cost and benefit of mobility programmes, and identify leading methods of reducing the investment and increasing the return.

Download and read the full report: 2019 Global Mobility Survey ‘REVISION: Mobility through the looking glass’.


We recommend that you stay up to speed on trends and information through our webinarswhite papers, surveys and eventsFind more in the Mobility Insights section of our website, or read more from the below articles:

Managing Global Mobility programs effectively

How to guarantee and measure ROI in Global Mobility?

Short-term or long-term assignments?

Challenges of female international assignees

How to effectively support and manage a return from an international assignment?

Most challenging assignment destinations: How to overcome multicultural differences?

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