Immigration Update: India | India reintroduces Air Suvidha form for international arrivals

India reintroduces Air Suvidha form for international arrivals effective 24th December 2022

Who will be affected?

All international travelers who are entering India.


Air Suvidha form was discontinued for all international arrivals in India. After reassessing the safety measures, it was decided to revise the requirements for international travelers’ entry into the country.


As previously reported Immigration update: India discontinues Air Suvidha form for international arrivals – Santa Fe Relocation, the Government Authorities had discontinued the Air Suvidha Form for all the international travelers.

In the light of increasing trajectory of COVID -19 cases, the authorities have issued fresh guidelines: .

Planning for Travel

All travelers should preferably be fully vaccinated as per the approved primary schedule of vaccination against COVID-19 in their Country.

During Travel

In-flight announcement about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic including precautionary measures to be followed (preferable use of masks and following physical distancing) shall be made in flight/travel and at all points of entry.

Any passenger having symptoms of COVID-19 during travel shall be isolated as per standard protocol i.e. the said passenger should be wearing mask, isolated and segregated from other passengers in flight/travel and shifted to an isolation facility subsequently for follow up treatment.

On arrival

1. De-boarding should be done, ensuring physical distance.

2. Thermal screening should be done in respect of all the passengers by the health officials present at the point of entry.

3. The passengers found to be symptomatic during screening shall be immediately isolated, taken to a designated medical facility as per health protocol (as above).

4. The following protocol post arrival shall also be followed:

 a) A sub-section (2% of the total passengers* on the flight) shall undergo random post arrival testing at the airport on arrival

 b) Such travelers in each flight shall be identified by the concerned airlines (preferably from different countries). They will submit the samples and shall be allowed to leave the airport thereafter.

 c) If such travelers’ samples are tested positive, their samples should be further sent for genomic testing at INSACOG laboratory network.

 d) They shall be treated/isolated as per laid down standard protocol.

 e) All travelers should self-monitor their health post-arrival and will report to their nearest health facility or call National helpline number (1075)/ State Helpline Number in case they have any symptoms suggestive.

* Children under 12 years of age are exempt from post-arrival random testing. However, if found symptomatic for COVID-19 on arrival or during the period of self-monitoring period, they shall undergo testing and treated as per laid down protocol

 Implementation Date

24th December 2022

Santa Fe recommendation

We encourage all travelers to continue to practice hygiene and safety measures. According to a notification issued by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), please ensure you follow the latest revised guidelines for international arrivals.

If you have questions about India immigration, or how to enter India, please reach out to your local Santa Fe consultant, and we will be able to advise you further.

For more information or assistance please contact:

Roshni Ramachandran

Head – Immigration Services, India

Santa Fe Relocation Services

Mumbai, India

Direct: +91 981 984 7811


Paolo Longo
General Manager, South Africa

Santa Fe Relocation
Johannesburg, South Africa
D: +27 (0) 10 595 2337
M: +27 (0) 83 677 7949

To read more immigration updates, click here

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Our immigration services manage thousands of visa applications every year for a multitude of international companies. Our experienced immigration experts and migration agents handle the immigration process for you and provide simple reporting and guidance on immigration matters.


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