Immigration update: Malaysia | New application features and service fee for EP and PVP

New application features and service fee for Expatriate Employment (EP) and Professional Visit Pass (PVP)

To better facilitate and meet employers’ needs for expatriates, the immigration department of Malaysia has put in place a robust online data platform and service-driven system which aims to effectively process Expatriate Employment (EP) and Professional Visit Pass (PVP) applications for expatriates within its five (5) working days client charter.

Who are affected?

Expatriates on EP (All categories), their dependents and their maids.


The following services will be introduced for EP and PVP applications:
• Online endorsements and online payments (Internet Banking or Credit/Debit Card) facilities for Immigration Fee payments will be available on the Expatriate Service Department (ESD) portal
• Pass sticker delivery for EP and PVP (and related passes)
• Newly established ESD Satellite Centre (ESC) at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport 1 (KLIA 1) to endorse approved passes for eligible pass holders
• Improved features on the ESD portal and streamlining of existing processes to improve online customer experience. Employers will only be required to upload documents online for endorsement of the pass. All notifications will be sent through the system.
• Opening of MYXpats Centre in Penang in Q1 2022.

This will reduce the need for:
• Physical documents
• In-person payments
• Reduce visits to Immigration and MYXpats Centre.

Additionally, the ESD had revised the following fee structure as below for applications below:

1. The amount stated above is solely for the expatriate (and dependents) application charges, and excludes any other Immigration fees
2. For any unsuccessful/rejected applications at the Approval Stage, MYXpats shall refund RM300.00 of Expatriate Processing Fees, subject to MYXpats Terms and Conditions. In cases where an appeal is submitted, a refund will not be applicable.


Effective from 15th November 2021.

How Santa Fe can assist

We are closely monitoring the situation and will provide an update when possible.

Santa Fe can support your business with any immigration compliance and advisory issues concerning your expatriate population. We can review current employees’ visas and assist with necessary advice or solutions to ensure ongoing compliance with the Malaysian Immigration Act and Regulations.

We will also keep your business updated on ongoing developments on all Malaysian immigration matters and will advise on any changes requiring your attention.

Should you have any questions, please contact the following:

KS Balasingam
Immigration Team Lead

Santa Fe Relocation
D: +60 19 600 6900

Robert Day
Group Head of Immigration Operations
Santa Fe Relocation
London, UK
D: +44 7990 021125

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About our Immigration Services

Our immigration services manage thousands of visa applications every year for a multitude of international companies. Our experienced immigration experts and migration agents handle the immigration process for you and provide simple reporting and guidance on immigration matters.


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