Immigration update: Singapore | Entry approval and Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) requirements removed for eligible Long Term Pass travellers

As part of Singapore’s efforts to reopen the borders safely, the Singapore Government has taken further steps to remove the requirement for travellers to apply and obtain entry approval requirements for fully vaccinated Long Term Pass Holders (LTPH).

Who are affected?

Fully vaccinated LTPH will no longer require an Entry approval or a VTL to enter/return to Singapore from 21 February, 23:49hrs. These LTPH include:

• Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP),
• Student’s Pass,
• Employment Pass (EP),
• S Pass,
• Personalised Employment Pass (PEP),
• Training Employment Pass (TEP),
• Work Holiday Pass (WHP),
• Dependant’s Pass (DP)


Since the spread of COVID-19 in Singapore in March 2020, all LTPH were required to obtain pre-travel approvals before they may travel and enter Singapore. This was a preventive measure imposed to try and contain the number of imported cases into the country.

Further restrictions and measures were implemented during the course of the year and into 2021 where all travellers were required to be fully vaccinated by receiving the full regimen of WHO EUL vaccines.

Later when cases in Singapore slowly reduced, the government had launched the VTL travel schemes with certain eligible countries.


From 21 February, 23:59hours, eligible pass holders will no longer need to apply for either an entry approval or a Vaccinated Travel Pass (VTP) through the VTL.

However, they are still required to comply with the prevailing immigration and health measures. Which include relevant PCR/ART testing and Stay Home Notice (SHN) requirements, where applicable. For entry, all eligible pass holders are required to provide the following supporting document (not limited to):

• In-Principle Approval (IPA) Letters
• Proof of vaccination status / exemption

Pass holders are still required to submit the Health and Travel Declaration through the SG Arrival Card (SGAC) online service within 3 days from their arrival.

Work Permit Holders

Work Permit holders are still required to obtain the relevant entry approval or a VTP as applicable. The removal of the entry approval and VTP requirements are not yet opened to this category of work pass holders at this time.

The purpose is to ensure that these pass holders will enter Singapore in a safe and regulated manner.

As the COVID-19 environment continues to develop, frequent revisions to immigration guidelines may take place and sometimes without prior notice.

Should you have any questions, please contact:

Ai Leng Chew
Immigration Manager
Santa Fe Relocation
D: +65 6398 3004

Robert Day
Group Head of Immigration Operations
Santa Fe Relocation
London, UK
D: +44 7990 021125


To read more immigration updates, click here

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