Immigration update: Spain | COVID-19 Internal borders: Extension of the controls

Immigration update: Spain | COVID-19 Internal borders: extension of the controls

Who will be affected?

  • Foreigner citizens entering in Spain Territory



On the 17th of March, the European Council came to an agreement on the temporary restriction of travel (not essential) from third countries to the European Union and associated Schengen countries. The objective: to reduce the spread of COVID-19, due to the health crisis situation caused by Covid-19.

Following the last Spanish Government Orders INT / 396/2020 and INT/401/20 of the extension of the border control of the Spanish Ministry of Internal Affairs. The new Order   SND/439/2020 of May 23th  published by the BOE (State Official Gazette) has reestablished temporarily the controls at the internal air and sea borders in the Kingdom of Spain.

This new Order SND/439/2020 established the extension of the control at internal land, air and sea borders until :  (i)  the end of the State of Alarm (ii) all the possible extension of the state of alarm  or when the Order will be repealed.

Implementation and duration:

Duration: from 24th May to almost 7th June 2020. Possibility of extensions that could be established.

Impact: Entry into Spain will be denied except to:

Only will be allowed to enter to Spanish territory by air and land:

  1. Spanish citizens.
  2. Residents in Spain, having to prove their habitual residence. How could I prove my residence in Spain?
  3. Cross-border workers.
  4. Health or elderly care professionals who go to carry out their work activity.
  5. Residents in other Member States or Schengen Associated States going to their place of residence.
  6. People who document documentary reasons of force majeure or situation of need.
  7. Those who arrive in the Spanish territory for any exclusively work-related reason, if they are documentary proof.
  8. Personnel: diplomatic, consular and from international organizations located in Spain. The displacements must be in the exercise of their functions.
  9. Freight transport, including ship’s crew, to ensure the provision of maritime transport services and fishing activity, and the aeronautical personnel necessary to carry out commercial air transport activities


**Quarantine Conditions has been modified:

The Order SND / 403/2020, of May 11, on the quarantine conditions to which people arriving in Spain from other countries must submit. One more situation was added that allow people in quarantine restriction to leave their home or  accommodation:  to carry out an essential work activity.

Next Steps (or) Actions Required:

Santa Fe will update about any relevant immigration update arising considering this scenario is continuously changing.

Should you have any questions, please contact the following:


Marta Parejo
Immigration Lawyer
Santa Fe Relocation Spain


Irene Martin
Immigration Director
Southern Europe Cluster
Santa Fe Relocation
D: +34 695 228 239

Tel.:    +34 695 228 239

To read more immigration updates, click here


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