Corporate Moving — India: New laws require mandatory AC for all trucks

In a significant development, the Indian government has implemented a new mandate requiring air conditioning (AC) systems to be installed in trucks across the country. This initiative aims to enhance the working conditions and comfort of truck drivers during their long-haul journeys.

The scorching heat and extreme weather conditions that prevail in India can be challenging for drivers, affecting their well-being and potentially compromising road safety. By making AC systems mandatory, the government seeks to prioritise the welfare of truck drivers and ensure their physical and mental well-being, providing much-needed comfort to drivers who often spend 11-12 hours in their sweaty confines.

The tough work conditions and long hours on the road are often cited as a key reason for driver fatigue and accidents. While high-end trucks manufactured by foreign companies such as Volvo and Scania already come with air-conditioned cabins, most Indian manufacturers are yet to make these necessary upgrades despite the issue being raised for several years.

According to an estimate, the additional expenditure for providing AC cabins in trucks would cost in the range of Rs 10,000 to Rs 20,000 per truck.

This move is expected to improve the overall efficiency and productivity of the trucking industry, as drivers will be able to operate in a more comfortable environment, leading to reduced fatigue and enhanced concentration on the roads. It also aligns with the government’s commitment to promoting safer and more sustainable transportation practices throughout the country.

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