Immigration update: Indonesia | Additional information on visa holders

Additional information for current stay permit, telex visa and visa holders during COVID-19 pandemic period

The Ministry of Law & Human Rights have released a circular letter IMI-GR.01.01-2493 as an extension to circular letter regarding immigration processes during the COVID-19 pandemic period.

Who will be affected?

– Current Stay Permit (ITAS & ITAP) holders abroad
– Current Telex Visa Approval holders abroad
– Current Visa Holders abroad


After the COVID-19 pandemic is declared over by the authorities in Indonesia, the circular letter grants entry to the below:

  1. ITAS/ITAP holders abroad whose ITAS have expired during the COVID-19 Pandemic – RPTKA & Notification must be issued prior re-entering Indonesia and DKP-TKA must have been paid.
  2. ITAP holders abroad with Multiple Entry & Re-Entry permit.

Foreigners abroad with the above criteria will be granted Emergency Entry Stay Permit (Izin Tinggal Keadaan Terpaksa Masuk) and provided a hexagon stamp on their passports. However, entry to Indonesia must be through the following Immigration entry points:

  1. TPI Soekarno Hatta – Jakarta
  2. TPI Juanda – Surabaya
  3. TPI Ngurah Rai – Bali
  4. TPI Kualanamu – Medan
  5. TPI Hang Nadim – Batam
  6. TPI Batam Center – Batam
  7. TPI Citra Tritunas – Batam

The Immigration entry points will have additional requirements below:

  1. Health certificate stating ‘fit to travel’ issued by the relevant authorities from the point of origin;
  2. Statement letter declaring willingness to be self-quarantined for 14 days monitored by the health authorities in Indonesia.

The Emergency Entry Stay Permit is not a Stay Permit renewal. Renewal application must be processed upon entry to Indonesia at the Immigration Office.


All Telex Visa issued from 1 January 2020 and have expired during the COVID-19 period will be automatically reactivated in the immigration system upon the end of COVID-19 pandemic classification in Indonesia. The re-activated Telex Visa will be valid for 60 days after the COVID-19 pandemic is declared over by the authorities in Indonesia. Visa collection point must be the same as the initial chosen Indonesian Embassy/Consulate abroad.


All visas issued from 1 January 2020 and have expired prior to the visa holder’s entry to Indonesia will be automatically reactivated through the SIMKIM system. The re-activated visa will be valid for 90 days after the COVID-19 pandemic is declared over by the authorities in Indonesia.

Automatic reactivation is only applicable for Indonesian Embassy/Consulate abroad that have adopted the SIMKIM system, listed as below:

  1. Bangkok
  2. Beijing
  3. Berlin
  4. Davao City
  5. Den Haag
  6. Dili
  7. Guangzhou
  8. Ho Chi Minh City
  9. Hong Kong
  10. Jeddah
  11. Johor Bahru
  12. Kota Kinabalu
  13. Kuala Lumpur
  14. Kuching
  15. Los Angeles
  16. Mumbai
  17. Penang
  18. Seoul
  19. Singapore
  20. Songkhla
  21. Sydney
  22. Taipei
  23. Tawau
  24. Tokyo


For foreign workers whose Telex & Visa have been reactivated, guarantors are required to inform the foreigner’s entry to Director General of Labour Placement and Working Opportunity Expansion Development of the Ministry of Manpower with regards to the issued Notification. For foreign investors, the guarantors are required to inform entry to the Investment Coordination Board.

Santa Fe Recommendation

The implementation of this circular letter is still pending until the Indonesian Authorities have declared the COVID-19 Pandemic is over, therefore we urge employers to keep travel dates flexible.

Santa Fe is currently seeking clarifications on the technical process of the procedure to report entry of the foreigners affected and will issue an additional update thereafter.

Should you have any questions, please contact:

Natasja Batubara
Corporate Services Manager 
Santa Fe Relocation
D: +62 21 2961 2990

Robert Day
Group Head of Immigration Operations
Santa Fe Relocation
M:+44 7990 021125


To read more immigration updates, click here.

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Our immigration services manage thousands of visa applications every year for a multitude of international companies. Our experienced immigration experts and migration agents handle the immigration process for you and provide simple reporting and guidance on immigration matters.


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