The Repatriation checklist
Having had to adjust to expat life, repatriation can be challenging for many people and often leaves them feeling sure about what’s in store for them in the future. Returning home might seem like the easiest part of the process, but there is a lot to take into considera28tion and one shouldn’t underestimate the challenges to be faced when going through the process of repatriation.
In order to help you with the repatriation process, we have put together a checklist that covers the majority of the necessary requirements for repatriation. Be aware, however, that some countries do have unique requirements for returning expats, which you may need to include in your personal repatriation checklist.
9 months before departure: Set the groundwork
This is the point in time where you will start coming to terms with and informing people about your repatriation. During this time you should confirm the date of your departure with the necessary individuals at your place of employment as well as with your landlord (providing written notice) and at your child’s school. During this time you can also inform your friends and colleagues and put together a list of what you would like to do and see before you leave the country.
6 months before departure: Begin making arrangements
Now that you have made the necessary people aware that you’re leaving, you can begin making all the appropriate arrangements. This will include finding your new place of residency, your new place of employment, your children’s new schools and looking into international moving services. It also might be wise to put together a financial plan for your return as well as researching and complying with any necessary tax requirements or medical requirements for your repatriation, such as vaccinations.
3 months before departure: Getting organised
To avoid last minute panics, you should start organising your repatriation at least 3 months in advance of your departure. The administrative aspects of repatriation in particular are best sorted out as soon as possible. This includes arranging health insurance, finalising your children’s enrolment in school, officially booking your removals services and planning money transfers to your home bank account. If you want to keep your abroad bank account you may need to report it to an appropriate party.
During this time it would also be useful to begin putting together a moving list and labelling boxes to ease the process of packing up your belongings. If you plan to sell any of your belongings rather than take them home, now is the time to put them on the market.
1 month before departure: The final steps
Now that your departure is looming, you can begin making the final arrangements to move out. Cancel your utilities and your membership with any clubs or societies that you will no longer be involved with. Pack up the majority of your belongings in preparation to have them shipped and change your address on any necessary documents. After you have paid any outstanding bills and put together all of the necessary documentation for your move, there is little else that you need to do before moving day.
By doing the majority of the work during the earlier months, you now have more freedom to make the most of your final few weeks as an expat. Take this time to properly say goodbye to your friends and colleagues as well as tick off the items on your expat bucket list that you put together. When the day to move finally arrives, you should have everything you need, making your repatriation a smooth process. You can say your final goodbyes without worry and savour your last day as an expat.
If you’re expecting to return home in the near future, we offer a range of repatriation services to advise you through the process and help you make a seamless transition to your new home. Contact a member of our expert team today to learn more about what we offer to expats returning home.