Health and wellness tips for all expats
Life in a new place can put new stresses and strains on your well-being if you don’t actively work on your wellness. But there is some great news for all expats. The necessary exploring, learning about, and getting to know your new home can actively improve your wellness. Find out how:
Keeping active
Improve your wellness while you get to know your new home.
Nothing keeps you active quite like long walks, cycle rides, or jogs around your new area. Everywhere is best explored by foot, giving you the time to soak it all in. Physical activity boosts your self-esteem, helps you concentrate, and will improve your sleep. Just 30 minutes outdoors everyday will have a really positive effect on your mental health and fitness, so get exploring.
Eat Well
Trying new food, expanding your palette and eating fresh local and seasonal food will do wonders for your health.
Now, we’re not saying you ‘have’ to go and try all your new local restaurants and cafes but getting to know all the amazing local cuisine on your doorstep will help you acclimatise quicker as well as keeping your diet varied and exciting. Eating a good variety of foods, balanced regular meals, and topping up with loads of water will help you feel more upbeat and energised. Plus, once you’re eating like a local you’re guaranteed to start feeling a part of the community.
Take some time out
Enjoy a few hours of ‘me-time’ to rebalance and de-stress.
Everyone needs a break: from work, from studying, from the day to day stressors. And fortunately, as an expat everything new is an adventure! Just learning where your new favourite grocery store is, or finding a new gym, trying out a new activity or absorbing some local culture will give you the time out you need to reset.
Give your favourite hobby a go
Doing things you love instantly improves your mood.
Just because you’re in a new place doesn’t mean stopping doing the things you enjoyed before. Remind yourself of the things you love and are good at and get involved in the activities and hobbies that trigger the ‘happy’ vibe. Participating in something you enjoy and are good at boosts self-esteem, and it can help with bonding and meeting new people with similar interests. Not to mention that it’s an ultimate stress reliever.
Care for others
Doing something good for others improves mood and builds bonds.
Want to feel instantly connected, do something rewarding, and meet new people? Why not get involved in some kind of community project or volunteering? Not only will it have excellent positive effects on your mental health and well-being, but it’s a fantastic opportunity to connect with your new community and make new friends.
Keep in touch
Time spent connecting with loved ones is invaluable to your mental health.
Modern technology is amazing. And while nothing is the same as face to face time with your loved ones, picking up the phone or having a good chat over Facetime can feel amazing. Don’t be shy, make sure that you are keeping all lines of communication open, talk about your feelings and experiences, and help your friends and family get to know about your new life.
If you could use some local expertise to get to know your new area, and really get things rolling, we’re here to help. At Santa Fe Relocation, our local experts offer completely personalised area orientation and settling-in services to make sure you’re equip with the knowledge and confidence to thrive.